SRT Cares


SRT has a reputation for being a good corporate citizen.  We are dedicated to supporting community activities, such as contributing financial support or donating items or service. In addition, SRT strives to participate in hometown events and also offer opportunities for tomorrow’s leaders. Moreover, SRT supports efforts that bring positive change and help communities flourish. 

College Scholarships

SRT supports education through our scholarship program, awarding over $90,000 in scholarships since its initiation. Opportunities include the SRT College Scholarship which is now available to six high school seniors awarded $2,000 each, as well as a Technical Scholarship, awarding $3,000 to a high school senior or undergraduate student studying in a variety of technical or technology-related fields.

Additionally, SRT is a member of the Foundation for Rural Service, which offers national awards to students in our service area.  


College Scholarship

We award six students $2,000 each. Open to high school seniors, applications are evaluated on community involvement, school activities, an essay response, and academics.
Deadline: March 31, 2025


Technical Scholarship

We award $3,000 to one student. Open to high school seniors and undergrad students, applicants must intend to study telecommunications, network engineering, or other technology-related fields.
Deadline: March 31, 2025


Foundation for Rural Service Scholarship

Foundation for Rural Service provides multiple national scholarship opportunities for students in our area.
Deadline: February 14, 2025

How Scholarships Are Awarded

  • Scholarships will be awarded on a one-time basis and will not be renewable. 
  • The scholarship funds will be split evenly over two semesters with checks issued in August 2025 and January 2026. The checks will be sent directly to the Financial Aid Office at the institution you plan to attend. Should your enrollment change, you must notify SRT immediately to prevent jeopardizing the scholarship. 
  • Scholarships will be awarded without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. This institution is an equal opportunity employer and provider. 

Donations & Sponsorships

SRT contributes to community programs throughout the SRT area.  Priority is given to programs which encourage community involvement, support vital needs, and promote utilization of technology.

Unfortunately, SRT receives more requests than we are able to accommodate and we are generally unable to support donations outside of our service area, to individuals, political or religious activities, or trips and travel.
Community Events
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We know that local events bring communities together while helping them thrive. Because of this, SRT loves participating in various community activities year-round. Let us know if we can be part of something special in your town!

proud to support

Community Development

SRT is proud to support local economic development. We encourage local businesses and community organizations to apply for the Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant program. Loans are available for organizations bringing economic development value to the area. Notably, these loans start at $5,000. The project must bring economic development to the area. However, SRT cannot be a lender of last resort. The program is not meant to compete with local banking institutions. Instead, it is meant as a supplement to other financing options. Business plans are required and this pre-application is available for interested parties. For more information, contact Becky Towery at 701-858-5168.